
614 academic programs offered by ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡'s 14 colleges
9,134 courses offered throughout the eight-campus system
1,500 curricular changes proposed annually


Curriculum is a chief asset of the university, one that helps define ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡'s unique character. Because curriculum remains healthy through change, it maintains the value of programs for our students.

Curriculum development and maintenance are the responsibility of faculty. The Office of Curriculum Services, under the auspices of the provost, is responsible for analyzing, facilitating and monitoring proposed changes and the implementation of those changes as approved by governing bodies. The office staff reviews and implements approximately 1,500 curricular changes annually.

The Curriculum Services staff is committed to providing accurate curriculum processing in an efficient manner to ensure quality program content and to benefit ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ students with the desired knowledge and experiences that will make them highly marketable once they graduate and take their place in society.