
Department of Pan-African Studies

E. Timothy Moore accepts the 2015 Diversity Trailblazer Award

A scholarship has been established to honor the life and legacy of E. Timothy (Tim) Moore, Associate Dean Emeritus in ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡â€™s College of Arts and Sciences and Associate Professor Emeritus in the Department of Pan-African Studies.

Mwatabu S. Okantah

Mwatabu S. Okantah, associate professor in ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡â€™s Department of Pan-African Studies, shares his perspective as someone who first arrived at ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ in September 1970 as a student. Nearly 50 years later, he is an associate professor at the university.

ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ President Beverly J. Warren and Vice President Alfreda Brown give the Diversity Trailblazer Award to Dean Tondiglia, director of public safety and ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ police chief.

ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡â€™s Director of Public Safety and Police Chief Dean Tondiglia was honored with the university’s 2019 Diversity Trailblazer Award for his years of promoting inclusion and diversity within public safety.