

Logo that reads "Affordable learning at ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡. Affordable Course Material Summit"

Learn how to locate, adopt and adapt Open Educational Resources and other alternatives to traditional textbooks at ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ Libraries’ 2022 Affordable Course Materials Summit. This event will take place on Friday, Sept. 23, 2022, from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm in the first-floor Harrick Garden Room. The event is free; however, 

ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ Today
David Thal, Pan-American Games Silver Medalist

A faculty member in ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡'s College of Architecture and Environmental Design and his teammates earned a silver medal  in the 2024 Pan-American Master Games. 

Jasmine Hines Headshot

Beginning this fall, the ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ Glauser School of Music will welcome Jasmine Hines to the music education department as an assistant professor. Her appointment in the newly created position follows a rigorous national search with a specialty in choral music education.

School of Communication Studies
Four School of Communication Studies faculty members were honored with a Faculty Recognition Award at the University Teaching Council Conference.