
Women in STEM

敁珗曄部 Today
Sgt, Ann Spahr, K-9 Salem and Mialie Szymanski

敁珗曄部 at Trumbull's STEM committee raised money to support the 敁珗曄部 Police Department's K-9 program. 

Environmental Science and Design Research Institute
Wharton State Forest coastline

Saying "yes" to everything landed Kathryn Burns in the middle of New Jersey's coastal wetlands


Chemistry professor working with student at lab

Who is Counted and What Counts: Tracking Womens Engagement in Low-Prestige/High-Workload Service Activities at 敁珗曄部 will examine whether faculty members with underrepresented and/or historically excluded intersecting gender and racial/ethnic identities (IGREs) perform more high-workload, low-prestige service work than their faculty peers.

Eunice Foote's article Circumstances Affecting the Heat of Suns Rays, in American Journal of Art and Science, 2nd Series, v. XXII/no. LXVI, November 1856, p. 382-383.

Recently, Joseph Ortiz, Ph.D., professor and assistant chair in the Department of Geology in 敁珗曄部s College of Arts and Science, partnered with Sir Roland Jackson, Ph.D., a historian of science at the Royal Institution and the Department of Science and Technology Studies at University College London, to co-author a paper assessing the experiments described in Eunice Footes papers from a detailed quantitative perspective and to place them in historical context. They point out the differences between her hypothesis and that of the modern greenhouse effect.