
IN A FLASH: Meeting Abolitionist John Brown

ESL Students at the John Brown house


Lauren A. Vogel, Ph.D., associate professor in ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡'s Department of English shared the story and photos of a recent field trip by international students from ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡'s English as a Second Language Center. As part of Black History Month, the group visited the Akron home of abolitionist John Brown.

ESL Students at the John Brown house


Students learned about the history of slavery, the Underground Railroad, the secret messages hidden in quilts and the heroism of Henry "Box" Brown. They also learned about key abolitionists like Frederick Douglas and Harriet Tubman. 

ESL Students at the John Brown house


One of the highlights of the tour was a John Brown reenactor, dressed in period clothing, who spoke in the dialect of the time. 

ESL Students at the John Brown house


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POSTED: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 09:20 AM
Updated: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 01:09 PM
Phil B. Soencksen
Photos by the English as a Second Language Center