
Upcoming Events

Events - both virtual and in-person - are a great way to learn more about the field of podiatric medicine and ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ College of Podiatric Medicine. We do host open house events, but we would encourage you to attend a one-on-one session too. This will allow a personalized experience where you can chat with students and members of the admissions team. Or, don't live nearby? No problem! Schedule a so we can learn more about you and advise next steps in your journey to podiatric medicine. 


Catch us on the road (or on the screen) in the coming months!


Podiatric Medical School Open House


SATURDAY, October 12, 2024 at 10:00 am

Discover Your Future in Medicine!

We invite you to explore your future at the upcoming College of Podiatric Medicine Open House! You will have an opportunity to:

  • Introduction to Podiatric Medicine
  • Interactive hands-on workshops
  • Meet & Greet
  • Campus Tour



SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2024 at 10:00 am

Discover Your Future in Medicine!

We invite you to explore your future at the upcoming College of Podiatric Medicine Open House! You will have an opportunity to:

  • Introduction to Podiatric Medicine
  • Interactive hands-on workshops
  • Meet & Greet
  • Campus Tour

Reserve your Spot Today!