
Academic Titles

1.         Research Associate and Research Assistant

These titles are reserved for individuals who are engaged in research and who are not normally assigned teaching responsibilities.  Such positions are typically supported by extramural grant funds and are not tenure-track appointments.  Academics who hold these titles do not vote on Department committees and do not participate in Department governance.

2.      Adjunct Faculty

These appointments are held primarily by Faculty from other institutions. Adjunct Faculty appointments are made by the Chair after receiving advice from the Faculty.  Adjunct Faculty members do not vote on Department Committees and do not participate in Department governance.

3.      Visiting Faculty

A visiting Faculty member is typically a Faculty member from another institution who is employed by the Department for a period not to exceed one (1) year.  In the event that a Visiting Faculty member is employed in that capacity for a second consecutive year, the visiting Faculty member will then become a full-time non-tenure track (NTT) faculty member.

 4.      Part-Time Faculty Appointments

When the Department cannot meet its teaching needs from the ranks of its full-time tenured and tenure-track Faculty, full-time NTT faculty and graduate students, then part-time Faculty appointments will be made from a pool of qualified applicants.

5.      Graduate Faculty Status

As a doctoral degree granting department, the Department normally requires that all Faculty hired for tenure-track positions be eligible for appointment to the graduate Faculty as associate or full members.  The Administrative policy regarding graduate Faculty is included in the University Policy Register.  (See, UPR 3342-6-15.1)