
CCP Classes at Local High Schools

ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ Tuscarawas is pleased to offer classes at local high schools taught by teachers who have been approved as adjunct faculty for the University. High School teachers who possess a subject-area Master's degree and/or 18 hours of subject area graduate coursework may inquire with Assistant Dean, Dr. Stephen Minnick (330-339-3391, sminnick@kent.edu), if interested in offering a ÎçÒ¹¾ç³¡ class at their high school. Courses offered 2022-2023 include:

Dover High School - ECON 12060, Personal Finance

Dover High School - GEOL 11040 & 11041, How the Earth Works & Laboratory

Conotton Valley High School - SPAN 18201, Elementary Spanish I, Intermediate Spanish I

Conotton Valley High School - History 12070, Early America: From Pre-Colonization to Civil War and Reconstruction

Conotton Valley High School - College Writing I



Melissa Crites, CCP Coordinator
330-339-3391 | macrites@kent.edu